Lucifer is based on a DC Comics character created by hilarious author Neil Gaiman along with Mike Dringenberg and Sam Kieth. The character Lucifer appears in The Sandman, but he later appears in a spinoff, also published by CD Comics.
The show is produced by huge names like Warner Bros. Television, DC Entertainment, and Jerry Bruckheimer Television. While the first season got some mixed reviews, subsequent seasons rated better.
In keeping with the Bible story, Lucifer Morningstar was a powerful angel, cast out of Heaven for his betrayal. He becomes the Devil, which is entertaining for a while, but he eventually gets bored and abandons Hell for Los Angeles.
He runs a nightclub called LUX and consults on cases with the LAPD. The show was created by Fox but canceled after only three seasons. Thankfully, Netflix picked it up and you can now stream all five seasons to your heart’s content.
If you love the sardonic humor of Lucifer, here are some other shows you won’t want to
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